What is plagiarism in an essay?

2022 Sep 27
Poema Escrito por
Nora mila

Plagiarism in an essay is the deliberate appropriation of ideas, words, and text created by other people and passing them off as one's own.

Currently, several types of plagiarism are known:

Stealing another person's ideas or words and passing them off as your own.
Using the results of someone else's essay without indicating the origin from which they were taken.
Copying texts from literature.
Presenting an existing idea as new and original.
Of course, when writing any type of essay, it is impossible to build your own ideas and assumptions without taking into account the research on the same topic conducted by other people. But to avoid plagiarism, you need to follow simple but necessary rules:


henever you use another author's words in your research, use quotation marks and make appropriate references.
Don't rephrase. Put into words your ideas and thoughts as you would, not as some respected author.
Don't speak ambiguously when naming the author of the words you use.
Develop your own writing style and don't try to be an exact copy of your favorite author. For the experienced reader, imitation is always obvious.
Never start writing about a topic you don't understand. A deep understanding of the idea that you are trying to convey in your essay is the best assistant in finding your own correct words and expressions that will help shape your style and make you a gifted author.
Grammica Plagiarism Checker:
To check plagiarism content use : https://grammica.com/plagiarism-checker
You can use various Plagiarism Checker tools such as text.ru, antiplagiat.ru, advego.com. But it is better to ask the teacher where you can check the essay for plagiarism, since the teacher may have his own program for checking for plagiarism.

2022 Sep 27

Nora mila
Desde 2022 Sep 27

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