The uncertainty of you

2021 Dic 30
Poema Escrito por

Far from anything that happened while away,
Sharing my reality is the most frightening thing of them all,
you having control is not what typically attracts me but,
wouldn't have let this year fly off in uncertainty again.

It's been long since happiness looked attainable,
close enough but surely the biggest challenge ahead,
I'm not known for spreading wings and doing as pleased,
because many tracks left are own step overs to ensure success,
unlike the field under my feet right now.

there are no tracks to follow, only an image of how they would look like.
an image that only I can see, you would have to reach my angle,
and share a thought.

Were you able to hear my voice?
or see thru my eyes?
would I ever know or will it vanish in your thoughts?
are questions I don't ask me now.

It's been beautiful liking your smile,
the way your eyes shine like stars, that I can never look straight.
how your eyelashes poke on my pride and make me look away,
Voice so sweet I can't listen to words but sound.
such a new experience is hard to not beat for it.

I talk to you like this because,
you look way out from this world, almost hand-shaped by God.
had to follow instincts and do as heart wanted.
I bet your eyes are beautiful
I will be able to see them without hiding anything,
next time.

2021 Dic 30

Desde 2013 Jul 27

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