Love and loves

Love and loves
The most important thing in our life is not love but being loved and receiving love from everyone. Love increases through dialogue and sharing a good relationships. Everyone chooses whom they would share their life and time with. Love becomes dead when forgotten or injured for any reason, but the most important is not the cause without the consequence that provokes it. Sadness, loneliness, and solitude in our life are specially moments where we can reflect about ourselves but we should be careful because sometimes these moments are not good for many people. Think and act together in a different and complicated world is not an easy assignment for us. Never lose the time without remembering special people in your life. Don’t care how many time you invest in them because the most important is that you don't forget that they exist in your life. Time flies and life is short but the love is always present. Nevertheless, don’t trust it, that someone can call more without you not doing it. Take care of your self and love each moment in your life being your self and don’t pretend to be someone more in this world, you can be different and creative is a wonderful and magnificent experience. Love and live because we only have one life and time can’t come back again. Love and love it’s the most beautiful that exist in the creation of God.
Fetuel per Dieu

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