Now a days feeling kind of statement.

2018 Nov 18
Poema Escrito por

The trendy use of
any meaning...

The Puppeteer way
to create a taste.

Disinformation method
of investigation

On yellow information,

Daily today, we are a nation.

Built from the ground up,
getting buried; blood, bones, thoughts,
and innocent folks.

Selling our best product, here at illusion co.
we have, " Freedom on a can".

To become who can.
Get over the others.

To became the bishop,
to be Pedrito
and to be the wolf...

This magic nation,
management of immigration.

To build a better nation
for our sons.

Breathtaking death,
spray and spread upon their owns,
we must...

" One ring;
to rule 'em all,
to clean 'em all,
to kill 'em all."

2018 Nov 18

Desde 2018 Mar 17

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