
poema de McUAGlemus

As would confess
the wind and the whole world,
I'm dying for you,
but my fear is huge
I move away from you every day.

as I would tell you that you have everything
me crazy every day for you,
Just give me the requirements to fall in love,
tell me what I have to do to sacrifice,
where you have to call to get into your world,
and what do I need to do for us to be together?

Just guess who dies for you,
guess who dares to dream of you,
and one who wants to conquer.

perhaps you know if I tell you a little,
It is very cool and I like your eyes,
He is a gentleman formal and discreet.

Just guess who thinks you are,
Best of all women,
and illusions,
with just to see you.

Lic. Harry Bogar Bautista L.
E-mail.- [email protected]
[email protected]

Comentarios & Opiniones


Thanks for your confession of love. But i think if you write your poem in spanish we would read your feelings a little more. Thanks for sharing your poem.:)

Lorena Rioseco Palacios

I think like Becquer, but your confession of love in clear and you must think in a live together, all the stars!!


the poem is written in Spanish, but I like Share in English for my friends who are filing in other countries.

especially I thank the good comments are always taken into account.

thank you very much


Comenta & Vota