Te he perdido

poema de Calvin

I see you in my dreams even when you gone
I try not to be sad, even when it hurts
I feel your loss so deep in my heart, even more when the days are dark
It was hard for me to accept that you where gone
But i had no chance than fight with the pain
I try to rember you but its dificult to me, i cant do it whith no tears
You always told me you were going to a best place, i think i lost the faith
Sometimes i just want to drink so much, and sart leaving all the thoutghts or instead hit so hard my pipe
I can not deny what i feel, instead i can forget about the pain
Such as real dreams, wake up later and i have my mind in black
When you left i was just a child, we miss so much to live
I have you in my thouthgs i will never forget the good moments by your side

Comentarios & Opiniones


Profundos versos plenos de nostalgia y hermosas imágenes, me gustó tu poema. Recibe un fraternal saludo y todas las estrellas, poeta.
