Poesía de the p!nk rabbit

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Escritor: the p!nk rabbit | ES | Desde Sep/2016
Viernes, Mayo 19, 2017 - 18:37

I remember you

As I sit in my backyardOld and weak. Sobbing with my wrinckled faceI hear the voices of children playingAnd I just can't remember the last time I was youngI can't remember the flavour of teaI can't remember the last time I watched a sunriseWell, that doesn't matter anymoreYou know what I rememberI remember the touch of your skinYour hair touching my face while you said you loved meI remember how you where with me and I remember the day I lost youI remember every single time you laughed and criedI remember you
Escritor: the p!nk rabbit | ES | Desde Sep/2016
Miércoles, Septiembre 7, 2016 - 07:36

Hombres de paz

Y así digo: que aquellos hombres que aman al mundo, odian a los padres que viven en él. Aquellos...que en el planeta...A tí te lloro mi desdichado amigo, pidiéndote que por favor me mientas; dime que mañana mi madre y mi hermano habrán...