Poesía de Sm4o

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Escritor: Sm4o | ES | Desde Oct/2014
Sábado, Abril 18, 2015 - 15:17

Ironías de la soledad

Una carta,sin destinatarioUna caricia,al vacíoUn beso,sin bocaUna voz,sólo una.
Escritor: Sm4o | ES | Desde Oct/2014
Sábado, Octubre 4, 2014 - 07:05

Autumn snow

One morning, I got out of bed for a walk in the woods. It was early Autumn and leaves were beginning to glide to the...Further in the forest, there was a camping site with beautiful and spacious tents and happy people living there:...Suddenly, dark blue clouds emerged from the North and a wind, cold as winter, blew away hundreds of leaves from an...