How Can I Forget?

How can I forget that night?
When you gave sense to my life,
We merge in a deeply hug,
And we end asking for more,
How can I forget our little story?
Full of tears and times of glory
Beautiful hug under the midnight rain,
Now we are apart and my lonely heart face the pain.

Here we are reliving that night,
But now you tell me it was a lie,
It seems I was living a dream,
Because you never was part of me,
Those moments lost their meaning,
Just a fantasy, I was living,
Is not hard to understand,
You played with the heart of a man,

Honey, you'll understand because you're smart,
well, is not good going breaking hearts,
If you keep it up and you never stop,
Someone will erase your smile,
And you'll regreat your entire life.

Maybe you're inmature and you don't know what you do,
I'm telling you this because I care for you,
Honey, Do you really know what do you want?
Did someone betray you in the past?
You play with people just for fun,
But if you keep like this won't last so long,
Instant karma will find you at any cost,
And you will pay for the pain you caused.