poema de McUAGlemus

Change my studies,
For the drug
Change my friendships,
For the gangs
Change my books,
By weapons
Change my art,
For tattoos.

Today I see that my future has changed,
I'm not the same as before,
I still remember that I used to run in the streets behind an old soccer ball,
My friends at my school stopped talking to me,
What sadness is to see me alone, drugged and with a world full of malice.

I no longer remember what my mother's face was like,
Apparently the damn drug never measured that happiness I had in my home,
I feel that it does not happen in time, I'm lost in a world where I will never leave.

I repent of all the damage that I have caused,
I'm sorry I never told my mother how much I love her,
I could never apologize to that young woman on the day she was murdered,
That memory will torment me for the rest of my life.

As I would like to return to the past,
In order to be able to become a student,
Where I still had to learn more,
Learning from life,
Learning from books,
Learn from my teachers,
Learn from my friends,
Learn from my mother.

Never let the world of drugs,
You steal the happiness that you have with your family,
Today I can tell you my story,
But I do not expect you to make the bad decision I make.

Enjoy your parents, friends, and this world.

You are still a student and you have much to learn ...


Lic. Harry Bogar Bautista Lemus

Comenta & Vota